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Why Cant I Feel Baby Move Yet 16 Weeks

sixteen weeks and no motility-should I exist worried?

(21 Posts)

Bigbangevolution Mon 06-May-thirteen xviii:01:55

I'thou sixteen weeks plus a few days and this is my second pregnancy.
I've felt no movements at all - I'g getting a big worried but tryin not to over call back it and panic. I've had two miscarriages in the concluding so I estimate I'grand a big sensitive.
Should I be feeling movements?

samsmother Mon 06-May-13 xviii:06:46

No yous shouldn't! Midwives don't even starting time checking for heartbeat at routine appointments using the doppler until around at present ish as baby is so small still. I felt my ds at 18w exact but fifty-fifty and so I wasn't sure equally it was so intermittent. Congratulations btw X

50shadesofbrown Mon 06-May-xiii 18:10:35

I thought you were simply supposed to feel motion from about 20 weeks on 1st pregnancy, & 16-18 weeks for subsequent pregnancies.

Bigbangevolution Mon 06-May-thirteen 18:xiii:01

Oh ok. I've got a couple of friends who are same number of weeks as me and they have felt mOvement so that's fabricated me a bit paranoid. Plus I've been googling!
I've got midwife app this calendar week do maybe she will listen to heartbeat?

upanddown83 Monday 06-May-xiii 18:52:37

I'm 38 wks now but didn't feel anything until 22wks and even then it took a while to recognise the difference between infant moving and hunger lol wink

Pancakeflipper Mon 06-May-13 19:06:31

With my second I was 19 weeks before I felt movement. With my first it was 22 weeks. I wouldn't be unduly worried.

candr Monday 06-May-13 xx:23:xx

OP, am nearly xvi westward with DC2 and had same chat with DH before today. I felt DS1 move at 16w and thought i would experience this one earlier but then again whole pregnancy could non have been more different this time. Is haed not to panic though equally is more than reassuring when you feel daily wiggles.

mrspaddy Mon 06-May-13 20:26:55

I am 22 weeks and notwithstanding only experience slight bubbles. I was worried only GP said she could feel a kicking when she was examining me a few weeks agone. Consultant said from xviii weeks on. Now I did get funny feelings from about 15 weeks just honestly don't worry.

thepartysover Mon 06-May-13 21:04:41

It may be the position of the placenta. If information technology's on the outside (if that makes sense) and so you won't feel annihilation til a flake later.

CareerGirl01 Monday 06-May-13 21:08:40

I was told by midwife not to worry until 22/23 weeks - didnt actually have much move from either DD1 or DD2 until 22 weeks in any case.

samsmother Mon 06-May-13 23:07:39

Hey Big Blindside, your midwife may or may not check for heartbeat, equally I said they don't always as baby is then small withal. Mine did at that time but it took a good x minutes for her to (in fact she couldn't, she had to inquire for another midwife to try). Thankfully all was fine and nosotros establish the heartbeat but was the longest ten minutes of my life

50shadesofbrown Tue 07-May-13 07:35:09

Careergirl is correct. My placenta was at meridian & dorsum, & I have actually bad IBS so I felt motility quite early. My friend had the placenta right across the front end, never felt annihilation until 22 weeks.

I would effort not to worry well-nigh information technology unless you also have 'symptoms' eg nausea, bleeding etc. They don't move all the time & although it'due south lovely at first, you will go pretty ill of the constant acrobatics by the end.

Boosiehs Tue 07-May-13 12:09:56

I'k 24+iv and accept actually just been feeling identifiable kicks for virtually 1.5 weeks.
Midwife and GP both said not to worry. I accept anterior placenta which they said would make it much harder.

Now the petty blighter won't stop!

Bigbangevolution Tue 07-May-13 12:24:43

Thanks then much everyone for your comments.
I was kinda pinning my hopes on hearing the heartbeat this week. I don't think I tin wait until xx week scan! Can I insist that midwife tries to find information technology?
What if she tin't find it-is it simply a case of waiting until next browse?

samsmother Tue 07-May-xiii 13:22:21

I wouldn't insist If its not something they do at this time iykwim! If they can't observe it nether your insistence of trying, that may not necessarily mean they'll scan you to check heartbeat and and then yous'll accept to wait until the scan anyway simply with the added worry of 'but they couldn't find the heartbeat' potentially 4 weeks prior if that makes sense!

Bigbangevolution Tue 07-May-xiii 13:55:26

samsmother I'm not sure of it is something they unremarkably do at the 16 week bank check. I think information technology might depend on the area you lot live?
Simply I practise get what your saying.

samsmother Tue 07-May-13 15:10:57

Yes I'one thousand guessing it volition vary from place to place, if they don't offer information technology as standard at this point, I wouldn't push for them to endeavour, equally I said if they can't find information technology yous'll just spend the next few weeks scared stiff. Easy to say but try not to worry. I went ino my pregnancy with blinkered eyes I think, just kind of went with the menstruum. Since I've properly discovered mumsnet (a fab site for communication and hand holding) my eyes accept been opened to all the worries that other people have. I'm imagining myself to be a worrying wreck If I ever excogitate baby number 2 as I think I at present know too much!! Congratulations :-)

Bigbangevolution Thu 09-May-13 19:06:09

Quick update: had midwife and we heard a heartbeat!! And so far so good. I remember it must be standard to mind to heartbeat here then v pleased smile

samsmother Thu 09-May-13 twenty:26:40

Yay! Run into, all that worrying for nothing! Unfortunately it doesn't get any easier from hither! Once you've been reassured about worry number one, worry number two will come up etc, it doesn't stop :-). But hopefully you can relax abit now and enjoy X

PurplePoppySeed Fri 10-May-13 17:20:07

I'yard 21 weeks and but now feeling movements. I never got the fluttering or bubbles feeling but institute out last week that my placenta is also at the front and loftier so I'yard not besides worried any more, take to admit from 18-20 weeks it was worrying me a lot!

MummyBurrows Fri ten-May-thirteen 17:34:29

I'thou 17w and simply just started to experience infant move/kick merely can only feel it when I lie down and put my easily on my belly with a very modest corporeality of pressure applied,can't reall experience much when out and virtually,standing or sitting down,but of course babies at this stage are still very small-scale and then I'm non expecting to really feel anything "properly" in general for a expert few weeks nevertheless! Possibly give information technology a get in bed at nighttime,you may feel something then simply its nothing to worry well-nigh if you don't feel anything just yet smile

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